Fixed Asset Category

#1 Fixed Asset Category


In this table it is possible to code the fixed assets category, that will be managed in the company.

First section
CodeAlphanumeric code
DescriptionCategory description
AccountImmobilization patrimonial account
Detail AccountThe immobilization patrimonial detail account
DescriptionDescription of the immobilization patrimonial detail account
Mat/ImmInformation about the material or immaterial asset typology
Max. DepreciationMaximum amount of the achievable depreciation for every category fixed asset
Perc. Depr.Maximum percentage of the fixed asset value, that could be amortized
Incremental Oper.If the flag is not set up as a default flag, every increase line of the fixed asset value will be managed with a distinct and autonomous depreciation detail On the contrary, if the flag is set up, every increase will be assigned to the initial purchase line, in order to increase the initial value in the original date
Tot. Depr. LimitLimit amount for 100% total depreciation application on the purchase year
RevaluationsManagement flag of revaluations details
Balance CodeBalance code for the revaluations prospect print
Objective Depr.It activates the management of the fixed asset objective data: this causes a duplication of the accounting patrimonial values in order to use a non-accounting distinct depreciation logic
Days of Use CalculationIt is a flag, that is necessary in order to activate the calculation of fixed asset days of use

The second section deals with the setting of depreciation details, which can be applicable to the selected upper category.

Second Section
Depr. TypeIt’s necessary to select the depreciation typology between: standard depreciation, anticipated depreciation and decelerated depreciation, the last is not very used normally.
Account CostIn the account cost it is possible to find the periodic depreciation
Detail Acc. CostIn the detail account cost it is possible to find the periodic depreciation
Account DescriptionDetail account cost description
Fund AccountIn the fund account it is possible to put aside the periodic depreciation
Fund Detail Account In the fund detail account it is possible to put aside the periodic depreciation, that could correspond to the same patrimonial asset value in order to charge off directly from this value
Account DescriptionFund detail account description
ExcludeThe flag enables the user to exclude the selected depreciation type from the automatic calculation
PercentageIt is the applicable depreciation percentage for the set depreciation type
Year NumberIt can be activate only in correspondence to the anticipated depreciations, where the user has to record the 3 application years. According to this value, it’s important to remember that, for the used fixed assets, the application years number is automatically set only on the purchase year
Depr. First YearDepr. First Year It is proposed automatically for all material categories and it will have the depreciation percentage in the first year activity of fixed asset
FiscalIt could be inserted for the anticipated depreciation lines in order to manage it as a non-accounting fiscal depreciation
Deductibility TypeIt enables the user to assign a deductibility code to the depreciation type for taxation
Deductibility DescriptionDeductibility type description

In the third section it is possible to assign the default percentage valorization with cost center and for the category fixed assets, always with reference to every depreciation line. This setting is not so important as the cost centers assignment in the fixed asset register.

Third Section
C.C.It is the cost center to which assign the category fixed assets valorization
DescriptionCost center description
PercentageThis is the valorization percentage setting for cost center

RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to operate on previous recordings or generate new ones. The possible features list is the following:

Search on Table aboveIt is a command, that is necessary in order to search information on table above and through the description and category filter fields
Insert on Table aboveIt is a command, that is necessary in order to insert a new fixed asset category
Insert on Detail Table It is a command, that is necessary in order to insert the detail of the selected table above
Insert on Table C.C.It is a command, that is necessary in order to insert cost centers of the selected table above
Delete Selected LinesIt is a command, that is necessary in order to delete the selected lines (fixed asset category)
Delete Selected Lines from Table belowIt is a command, that is necessary in order to delete the selected lines of the table below (depreciation type detail)
Delete Selected Lines from C.C Table It is a command, that is necessary in order to delete the selected lines of the cost centers table
PreviewIt is a preview command
PrintIt is a print command

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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